Monday, June 19, 2017

The Beginning of the Summer Series

     This time last year, I was packing my suitcase for a trip up 3 states and slightly to the left from where I currently live.  And now?  Well, I'm doing the exact same thing.  But more on the suitcase tomorrow. I am currently typing to you from behind my mother's lightly honey-roasted desk that is covered in pictures of myself when I was cute and a few black-and-white photos of ancestors that I am somehow related to.  I felt the need to do something new with this blog for the season of summer.  I'm going away for a few weeks - the length, I am still not sure about - to a place with hardly any wifi access and limited closet space.  Although this is described as a fashion blog, I have decided to make it not a fashion blog for a couple of weeks.  People are always saying that in order to be successful, you have to break the rules.  What's a better example of breaking the rules than posting content on a blog that has nothing to do with the blog?  That was a really confusing sentence and I apologize for that.  Just kidding.  #sorrynotsorry
     Welcome to the Summer Series.  A series of blog posts created for your enjoyment by, you guessed it, me.  It will be composed of stories and slightly grainy pictures that may or may not give you a headache.  Just kidding.  Please keep reading.  I need viewership.
     It will follow me as I experience the camp and grow as a person and make friends.  It will be like Instagram, but actually interesting!  Like it or not, this is what I'm doing for the next while, so I hope you enjoy the new content.

Please come back tomorrow for an amazing first post to the Summer Series!  A hint: it involves suitcases.  If you had reading comprehension skills, you would've already known that.  #publiceducationmayormaynotbethebaneofmyexistence #justkiddingitsnot #ispunctuationnotallowedinhastags?

Best Wishes,

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