Friday, October 28, 2016

Skies of Grey, Clouds of Blue

Although Autumn should bring brighter colors, there are certain days when some deep and dark colors are needed.  Today is one of those days.

I seldom wear my Docs because they usually do not go with anything.  Don't get me wrong, Doc Martens are one of the best pair of shoes I've ever owned and worn.  The problem is that they are such an intense piece to add to your outfit that they usually make what you're wearing too much.  I'm not always trying to dress like a biker or a combat girl.  Reminder: I have nothing against Docs because they're freaking amazing...I just appreciate them on an irregular basis. 

I absolutely love breaking stereotypes.  There's just something about going against what is expected of you that totally boosts your confidence.  You may say, Anna, stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.  My answer to that is the following:  Yes, I am aware that stereotypes are based on truth (I'll never turn down a Frappuccino after all), but stereotypes become expectations and going against those expectations is what makes people respect you more (as long as what you do is worth respect).

Not only do the clothes match, the nail polish - sort of - matches, which I am very proud about.  I am seldom able to paint my nails a color that goes with anything seeing as I have an assortment of nail polish colours.  Also, nail polish does not last very long on my hands because I am such a hands-on person and it becomes chipped and must be removed...after a few days, of course, because we have to appreciate the nice chipped-nail-polish look once in awhile.

This is such an amazing feeling, writing to people I don't even know.  I hope you enjoy reading these posts as much as I enjoy writing them.  Hopefully they provide a little piece of inspiration for you!
 Hope you have a great day!
Best wishes,

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