Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My Capsule Closet

You know that day - about halfway through Autumn - when you stop and reflect on your life?  No?  Okay, let me try again.  You know that day - halfway through a season that starts two months before it should - when you stop and reflect on your life because you're lying in bed trying to stay warm from the freezing cold air that has very suddenly become an unwelcome guest?  Better?  Good.

When that morning happened to me, my mind drifted to the many things that were currently lying on my floor looking horrible and doing nothing for me.  Why does it matter if they do anything for me?  Because I bought this stuff for a reason and I wanted it to be benefitting me.  A bit self-centered?  It's only because I paid money for things that I didn't even use.

I ended up cleaning everything.  When I say "everything," I mean everything.  I filled seven bags of denotable items and at least ten were full to the brim with trash and papers I had kept from middle school.  I was bad.  I only kept the things I knew I needed in order to function...such as clothes, since clothes are a norm.  An everyday norm.  A if-you-don't-wear-clothes-you're-illegal norm.  Very norm.

I plan on restocking my closet over the year because I absolutely love shopping and spending other peoples' money.  Just kidding (about the latter).  I will never be able to survive on only a few articles of clothing...NEVER.  But for now, I guess I'll try to survive.  I am a survivor.  I believe in myself.  You believe in yourself.  We all believe in ourselves.  Such a fabulous world.

Seeing as this is my first not-really-fashion-related blog post, I hope it wasn't too much of a flop.  REMEMBER.  I exist and I have feelings and I enjoy having conversations with people.  E-mail sign-up exists and I hope you take advantage of the button.  It needs some love in its life.  Thank you for visiting and until next time...

Best Wishes,

(P.S.  Does anyone else have a capsule closet that looks as bare as this one?  I'd love to see pictures)

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