Sunday, February 7, 2016


Finally, a cold day in this state of mine.  The wind is finally blowing - not hot air - and I can enjoy the feeling of the wind's tendrils running through my slightly (very) thick hair.  Please don't be a stranger Cold Air.

Pink nails are an accent always addable to an outfit
A starry necklace in the color of gold 
I just made a vist to Plato's Closet, and my, my, my, they had quite a few nice items.  I finally found a pair of overalls (which are quite hard to find nowadays), but alas, the overalls were a bit too big around the waist.  Maybe one day I will finally come upon a pair that are perfect.  Until that day comes, however, I will be perfectly content with regular old jeans.

 If you have any recommendations for good stores to get nice overalls, please let me know (e-mails are always welcomed).  
Thank you!

Best Wishes,


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