Monday, January 18, 2016

A Night Out

 A night out with my wonderful mother.  A night full of shopping.  A night full of leaving every store empty-handed.  A night with no worries.

Black Coat ~ JCPenney ~ Worthington
Shirt ~ Forever 21
Pants ~ Old Navy Jeans
Shoes ~ Neude Character Shoes
Purse ~ Nine West
Hair ~ All Natural

Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Night to Remember

To me, New Year's Eve was never just the "night."  It was always the night plus the day after because I was so very tired and did not function properly.  That's always what I used to think.  This year, that mindset shifted.  Maybe it was my young brain finally waking up and reaching its full potential...or maybe I just drank too much coffee.    Whichever it was...something did change.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Study in Mustard

A hot, humid day in the forest that is my backyard.  How we deal with the heat, I have no idea.